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760 Old Kent Road

760 Old Kent Road


London Borough of Southwark
Commercial, Mixed Use, Residential
  • 675 new homes
  • 25,446 Sqft Office Retail

ColladoCollins was asked to prepare a feasibility study for a key site within the wider Old Kent Road Opportunity Area (OKROA), designated as an area of extensive redevelopment potential to provide new homes, jobs, shops and public open space. The site had been identified as the future home of one of the Bakerloo Line extension (BLE) stations and therefore represents one of the most important locations within of the wider Old Kent Road regeneration area. The site is capable of delivering a significant number of new homes, creating a new town centre and providing a new underground station that will help facilitate the regeneration and transformation of the local area. The draft Old Kent Road Action Area Plan is clear in setting out that the regeneration process should bring about positive change to the existing communities. This means ensuring no existing residents are left behind, improving the life chances for future generations through providing new facilities that the community wants, improved health outcomes and access to the best possible start in life for younger people. To ensure these aspirations are met, it is imperative that a collaborative approach is taken with all key stakeholders. From the outset it was our intention to design this scheme from the underground and ground upwards, which is why we sought to engage with the Council and Transport for London to agree the key principles of redeveloping the site, prior to engaging fully with the wider community.



new homes


Sqft Office Retail
760 Old Kent Road

760 Old Kent Road

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